What is Lypossage?

The treatment is a specific blend of massage modalities that derive from physical therapy, including lymphatic drainage and deep tissue release. Charles W. Wiltsie III, a nationally recognized massage therapy educator and practitioner, created Lypossage. Mr. Wiltsie conducted a year-long study of 100 female subjects that documented the effectiveness of the technique, which was published in Massage and Bodywork magazine in 1999. In the study, notable results included an average inch loss per thigh of almost 1.5 inches.
Lypossage has many benefits: cleanses the body of stagnant, stalled lymphatic fluid that can create the lumps and bumps we know as figure imbalances. The deeper Lypossage strokes break up adhesions under the skin that can contribute to the dimpled, uneven appearance of cellulite. Lypossage also tones the muscles, lifting and firming sagging tissue. Lypossage is performed on the hips, thighs, and lower abdomen (Zone 1), as well as the upper body, including the arms (Zone 2) and the face, and neck (Zone 3).
Lypossage has many benefits: cleanses the body of stagnant, stalled lymphatic fluid that can create the lumps and bumps we know as figure imbalances. The deeper Lypossage strokes break up adhesions under the skin that can contribute to the dimpled, uneven appearance of cellulite. Lypossage also tones the muscles, lifting and firming sagging tissue. Lypossage is performed on the hips, thighs, and lower abdomen (Zone 1), as well as the upper body, including the arms (Zone 2) and the face, and neck (Zone 3).